Web Integration & Application ISTE-405
There was a web development minor for students outside of RIT’s computing college that I have taught: https://www.rit.edu/study/web-design-and-development-minor I was...
The Loop Social Network
NOTE: The loop was discontinued around 2018. However it was a great project and wanted to provided an overview of...
A Personal Portfolio Page and Blog on The Open Web
I recently stumbled upon a portfolio-style website that I liked, belonging to Dries Buytaert founder and lead of Drupal. I specifically like...
Moving my site to Drupal?
2024 UPDATE: My site has since been moved away from Drupal! I still really like Drupal and will continue to...
JFusion & Dobber Sports
This is sort of two projects mashed up into one! I bring this up on my portfolio site as even...
RIT Interactive Welcome Center Touchscreen
Overview: This project transformed the Undergraduate Admissions lobby at RIT by replacing a static PowerPoint display with a dynamic, interactive...
PHP Roulette
A Simple PHP Roulette Script This was created to simulate playing all in just on black, red, or random to...
RIT Interactive Streetview Tour
The traditional college virtual tour tends to be an overhead clickable map; a far different experience from a real world...