Web and Mobile I ISTE-140

An introduction to internet and web technologies, and to development on Macintosh/UNIX computer platforms

Syllabus: Download

Official Course Description

This course provides students with an introduction to internet and web technologies, and to development on Macintosh/UNIX computer platforms. Topics include HTML and CSS, CSS3 features, digital images, web page design and website publishing. Emphasis is placed on fundamentals, concepts and standards. Additional topics include the user experience, mobile design issues, and copyright/intellectual property considerations.

Curriculum Development

  • 2022 – Major revamp and new interactive textbook integration (ZyBook). Began as a pilot over the summer, to be ready to launch in Fall 2022 to over 10 sections with 6 instructors all teaching ISTE-140 on the Rochester campus of RIT simultaneously. Added custom material not found in ZyBook and adapted 10 ZyLabs.
  • 2021 Creation of a new sequence of projects. Here is an example of one
  • 2020 – Conversion of in person class to an online asynchronous course. Recorded dozens of videos (listed in section above) to create an online asynchronous version of web and mobile 1 that has since been offered in subsequent summers.

Course Coordination & More on Zybook Implementation: This class will often have at least 8 sections in a single fall semester, and is offered in multiple countries (RIT Dubai, RIT Croatia) so significant coordination efforts need to be spent here. As described in the section above, another area I helped coordinate this course being offered around the world was when I implemented the virtual textbook (zybook). This video goes over how the zylabs work and I give a few demos (for summer 2024): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VNT5z3p8Yg

Tagged Skills

HTML / CSS JavaScript