
AI Portfolio Builder – Project Queen
AI Portfolio Builder – Project Queen
Generate a website using AI and edit it afterwards with no knowledge of html

AI & Data Science API Backend Dev Frontend Dev HTML / CSS

WordPress SVG Object Plugin
WordPress SVG Object Plugin
Unlock the power of SVG and animations in Wordpress

Digital Multimedia Frontend Dev Open Source React WordPress

FeedMasher & RIT Homepage Channels
Feedmasher: Curate, Aggregate, and Display Content from Everywhere!

Backend Dev Database Systems Frontend Dev JavaScript MySQL PHP

Ferris Agency Website with Accelerate Media
Ferris Agency Website with Accelerate Media
A Collaborative Effort with Accelerate Media

CMS Frontend Dev HTML / CSS Marketing PHP React WordPress

Geotherm Relaunch with Accelerate Media
Geotherm Relaunch with Accelerate Media
A Modernization Journey launching an important piece of Geotherm's marketing strategy.

CMS Frontend Dev HTML / CSS Marketing PHP React WordPress

iSchool Projects Capstone Repository
Promoting iSchool @RIT and sharing students accomplishments online

Backend Dev Database Systems Drupal Frontend Dev Open Source PHP